Monday, January 20, 2014

Email Marketing - The Juliet of Your Campaign

There’s a lot of back and forth on whether email marketing is a dead marketing practice. Let’s be real here – no marketing technique is ever really dead. Sometimes they simply play “Juliet” – marketers say the practice is dead, you should never use it again, and that it’s simply a waste of your time. But in reality, the technique is just taking a break. Email marketing is one of the most prominent of these today.

More People Checking Emails Immediately

Image via Flickr by Jim Pennucci

According to Pew Internet Research, about 52 percent of cell phone users send or receive emails on their phones. Since about 91 percent of adults in America own a cell phone, there are a huge number of people emailing on their phones.

People are likely to open and at least scan emails on their cell phones. Because of this, email marketing allows you to get your name and information in front of more customers than ever before. With people checking their phones, tablets, and computers for new emails, interesting and helpful email marketing campaigns are more likely to be successful.

More Options for Email Campaigns

Sending an email out to your customers is a great way to remind them that you are in business and want to work with them. Today, there are tons of options for what to send in your emails. Consider some of the options you have:
  • Information on sales
  • New products and business information
  • Blog posts and other informational articles
  • Social media information
  • Special benefits to customers (recurring customers get discounts, etc.)

It’s a good idea to make sure that the emails you send out are mobile-compatible. This will allow for easy viewing, no matter what device your customers view the email on.

More Ways to Capture Email

If email marketing is dead, why are marketers still consistently working to get email addresses? Depending on the blog, company, and marketer, visitors may be offered a number of different reasons to give their email address. For example, offerings may include:

  • Membership – Membership is usually used for signing in to an online retail store, but could also be used for forums and other web based businesses.
  • Ebook – Many blogs, gurus, and even retail shops today offer a free ebook in exchange for your email address.
  • Frequent Updates – Retail shops and blogs use the draw of regular updates as a way to get your email address. In addition, this is an option for service-based companies.
  • Discounts – Retail stores and service industries will offer discounts or coupons for those who provide an email address.

More Companies Doing Email Campaigns

There are more businesses starting online all the time. Each of these want to keep track of their customers in an easy, concise way. Because of this, you will see that more companies are doing email campaigns than ever before. Nearly anyone who takes a look at their email will see several, if not dozens, of new emails every day from companies who have received their email address as part of the company’s marketing campaign.

It’s time for marketers and analysts to stop saying that email marketing is dead. It was dormant for a while, but as we try to find new, better ways to get products and information out to customers, email marketing is making a huge comeback.

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